From The Galley To The Bridge: A Story About Us ...
In 1987, there was a girl who thought a career in the travel industry would be interesting, so she attended travel school. After graduation in 1988, she landed a job with a local travel agency near home and began the voyage. One job led to another, including a few years with American Express Travel. Along the way the girl got hitched, bought a house and wanted to start a family. However, she also wanted to continue working in travel and raise the little ones at the same time.
Their first baby was born June 20, 1997. They named it A.B.Sea Interline Tours & Cruises.
The "Travel Girl" and her husband set up a web site, but didn't have money to buy a computer. They sent out flyers to different airline reservation centers around the country and placed a small ad in a well-known interline travel industry publication. They still did not have a computer. Finally someone booked something and sent in a check! Did we mention no money for a computer? The Travel Girl took the money to the bank and opened up a business account, then bought a computer and set up a small office in the pantry.
Slowly but surely, business began to pick up. Clients found the Travel Girl on line. One client even helped the Travel Girl obtain an interline cruise discount contract with Silversea, a contract which only select interline agencies have the privilege of securing. Club Med found the Travel Girl and offered interline travel discounts at a few of their villages.
Somewhere along the line, names were changed. Travel Girl turned into a Cruise Chick and "Tours" was dropped from the company name. A.B.Sea Interline Cruises & Club Med was reborn!
During that transition, the Cruise Chick had another baby, this time a son and they named him Devon.
(Devon is now a college graduate from LeTourneau University in Longview TX with a BS degree in both Electrical Engineering & Computer Engineering. He is working in Melbourne FL for L3Harris.) The phone was ringing and clients wanted to book. Sometimes the Cruise Chick had to run into the living room and shut the door to so clients couldn't hear a crying child. She would apologize and say that a client had come into the office with their unruly kid!
She needed help and hired her first employee and bought another computer. Still squished in the pantry with a huge fax machine between them!
Another son was born two years later and they named him Dylan. Another employee was hired and an official office was in the works. (Dylan is now a Jr. @ Messiah Universtiy in PA majoring in business and basketball. A big 6'6" power forward! We love watching him play!)
A.B.Sea Interline Cruises & Club Med was growing! Airline Employees were finding us on the web, and they were sharing their cruise travel experiences with interline colleagues and family members.
After almost 20 years, A.B.Sea Interline has been blessed with five loyal, trustworthy employees, one who has been here since 2003! We have over 28 years of experience in the travel industry. We know the ins and outs of cruise travel!
A.B.Sea does not spend money on advertising. Our number one form of advertising is a happy client. Many of our clients have been cruising with us from the beginning. A.B.Sea does not charge any service fees either. We do our best to respond to all phone calls and emails as quickly as possible. Interline discounted cruise rates are not always the lowest rates, so we research all promotions before responding to you. All interline agencies receive the same rates, but not all agencies are the same! We are efficient, friendly and easy to get through to. We like to have fun and we enjoy a good laugh! We are willing to go the extra mile, make the extra phone call to make sure your vacation is what you expect!
Interline cruise vacations and Club Med travel is our specialty. We have been able to maintain contracts with all of the major cruise lines that offer interline cruise travel discounts since 1997. We also have personal and longstanding relationships with our cruise line and Club Med representatives. We are here to help make sure your cruise or Club Med vacation an enjoyable experience from start to finish.
From the Galley to the Bridge -- pantry to an office with staff -- God has blessed the Cruise Chick AKA Heather! 
{2/19/21 Update}
Due to the China Virus we have had to downsize staff. But, thank God we made quite a few wise financial decissions before the plauge rocked our world. Using sound teaching and ideas from Dave Ramsey we are debt free. No mortgage. No car payments and we installed solar so no electric bills. Not having those big expences is a huge blessing. Our beautiful office is also located in our home, so we do not have to worry about rent. We are also so thankful for loyal clients! We will survive this insanity that has gripped our world. After 24 years one virus is not sinking our ship!
Page content revised 02/01/23